Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The End of freeman-media... The begining of freemanfotos.com

OK, so I haven't been doing this for a while why the change? After taking the Illuminate Workshops Profit and Passion class, I started thinking about my company and branding and all that stuff the corporate world is all about.

One thing I've heard in the past that's stuck with me is "fail faster!". I take it as if it's not working get rid of it or make it better but don't hold onto it. So since I didn't want to be doing the "media" thing and want my business to focus on the photography... I dropped freeman-media and started freemanfotos.com.

Now I know every ones asking whats with the (f)? Why not spell it correctly? Well in this big blue world with the billions of people on it and only one web there's a limited number of names. Do you know how many Jonathan Freemans there are out there? Apparently most of them are into photography too. Which reminds me of that other saying "You unique.... Just like everyone else".

So www.freemanfotos.com it was and I've set up my gallery at www.freeman-fotos.com.

I'm working on getting all the old links to forward onto the new sites but the rest is up to the people in charge of the web servers.

So please be patient and if you need drop me and email.

1 comment:

Efrain Cruz said...

Bold new move John. I'm happy to hear about the change. I would recommend holding on "freeman-media.com" though. You might just become the next media mogul. You heard it here first.
Best of luck.