Sunday, July 20, 2008

You never know what's gonna happen on a Night out in Denver....

Last night I met up with Efrain, Armondo, Traylor and Dave for the July Night Photography Shoot. We met at the Denver Art Museum and headed out to see what we could take long exposures of.

We took some fotos of the local architecture then head up by the capital and ran into the 16th Annual Kaiser Permanente Moonlight Classic. It's a 15 mile bike ride through the streets of Denver. So off we all went in our own directions photographing the 100's if not 1000's of people on there bikes.

There was a costume contest that brought out the very creative bike community. Many dressed up from rockers, bunnies, Sesame Street character, bikes covered in colorful light, and even a piano on two bikes.

After several hours of shooting bikes and being stopped for some portraits.

Efrain and I headed back to the capital. We stopped to shoot a local church

and then the State Capital building.

We met up with Efrains brother Ed whom showed off his mono-forked Carbondale mountain bike. Thanks Ed for riding down the stairs about 50 times till we got it right.

Finally calling it a night a little after 2am we headed back to the car to stop for one last shot of the Colorado History Museum.

Which brings us back to the "you'll never know whats gonna happen". Efrain and I set up on the grass next to Broadway. Started the first shot with some nice success. 10 seconds into the second exposure there is a sound that brings joy to children's ears on a hot August day. "Shhhhht shhhhhht". Sprinklers ripping through the air can send two grown men into a frantic run with camera and tripods in hand. I haven't run like that since high school when the cops busted our party for under aged drinkers.

Thankfully none of the equipment was ruined or actually even wet. Just a few drops here or there. Definitely a fun night out with some good people. I'll be turning this into a regular monthly thing.

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